HomeMy WebLinkAbout10: M12-17 ReportCAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY (1)Sr^aq Eh*nr- MDr*r.l/ (2t j6i.+" Nv1 efrs+?6ce. Address (nump l'Y'\ r er nd fl- zeo ss City, State, Zip Code fJ Cnect h€re if address has changed (3) lO Number (4)Ch€ck appropriate box(es): rtanoioate otficesought: n Poltical Committeo (PC) see*+ orn 6 i I E Electione€ring Communications Or9. (ECO) n Party Executive Committee (PTY) D lndependent Expenditure (lE) (also covers an individual making electioneering communications) D Check here if PC or ECO has disbanded n Check here if PTY has disbanded E Ch€ck hero if no other lE or EC reports will be filed OFFICE USE ONLY City oi tvtii.'ni Car"'; r,s '.le Citi ()leh€ OlrveRec6 Date: Time: (5) Report ldentifiers Cover Period: do^sinar rrom lL r gl t 11 To lL r3l r 11 Reportrype: *tUt1 E Amendment tr sprJi""tioiilo..t (5) Contributlons This Report Cash & Checks $ao 00 00 @ Loans $4 0Total Monetary $ ln-Kind $ (71 Expendltures This Report l\4onetary Expenditures $ _, _,_x 0o Transfers to Office Account _,_o 00 -JM $ Total Monetary $ (8)Other Distributlons $4 0!- (s)TOTAL Monetarv Contrlbutlona To Date$ 3,, N5 00 (10)TOTAL Monetary Expendifures To Oate $ _.___1t237_ Go (1 1) Certification It is a first degree miadomaanor for any person to falsify a public rocord (ss. 839.13, F.S.) I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, conect, and complete: E.(rype name) 3 andl6.E M %irX (r name) tr dual perEon (only for PC and PTY) x Sign dr,"rtr.*r D oupuy rr"."r"i Signatu ,) DS.OE 12 (Rev. 11/13)SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS By x / CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (1) Name E (2) l.D. Number (3)coverperiod;2_tOlttl throushLrT'lt11 (4)Page lot I (5) Date (7) Full Name (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) Street Address & citv. state, ZiP code (8) Contributor Type i occupation (e) Contribution Type (1 0) ln-kind Description (11) Arn6ndm€nl (12) Amount (6) Sequence I I I I I tl I DS-DE 13 (Rev. 11/13)SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES I PORT - ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name (2) l.D. Number 1t1 covereerioo | 2 rl-,-lZtn,ourt'qaL_D (4) Page of I (s) Date (1,l ) Amount (10) Amendmont (s) Expondlturs TYPe (8) Pllrpoao (add offico sought if contrlbuuon to a candidata) (6) Sequence Number Full Name (Last, Sutfix, Flrst, Middlo) Straet Address & city, stats, zip code t7t OS.DE 14 (Rev' 11113)SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIoNS AND CODE VALUES