HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdd on: School Board Legislative 2007 Session~~:~~~~~ , ~Q Q D oH .~1~1 ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~.~. ~ o/ f %%~ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~ ~ ~~~~~ Cit o .~Vliami ard~ens ~~ y f ~ 1515-200 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33169 To: Honorable City Council Members Mayor Shirley Gibson Vice Mayor Oscar Braynon II Councilman Melvin L. Bratton Councilman Aaron Campbell Councilman Andre Williams Councilwoman Sharon Pritchett Councilwoman Barbara Watson From: Shirley Gibson Mayor Date: January 10, 2007 Re: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD LEGISLATIVE 2007 SESSION. Miami-Dade County School Board is the governmental entity who is officially charged to provide access to public education to the students in Miami Dade County and is the fiscal agent for all funds for this public purpose. I am submitting this resolution in support of the Legislative Agenda for the Legislative 2007 session. A quality education is the most critical component in developing a workforce that is prepared to meet the challenges of this era for future residents in the City of Miami Gardens and Miami Dade County. Municipal support is needed to send a united message to the Legislature that we are committed to securing funding to support quality education in urban areas such as ours. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the resolution supporting the Miami-Dade County School Board Legislative 2007 Session. RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION No. 2007- y , ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR THE LEGISLATIVE 2007 SESSION; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 WHEREAS, the Florida Constitution provides that the education of children is a 2 fundamental value of the people of Florida and a paramount duty of the State, and 3 WHEREAS, the Constitution creates a clear mandate for a uniform and high 4 quality education system and for the state to make adequate provision for this purpose, 5 and 6 WHEREAS, Florida is one of the leaders in the nation in mandating public school 7 educational accountability measures and the School Board of Miami-Dade County has 8 earned a second straight grade of B in the State accountability system, falling just seven 9 points short of the cutoff score for a grade of A, and 10 WHEREAS, the number of schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida, receiving a 11 letter grade of A increased to 53%, the highest percentage ever despite tougher state 12 guidelines, and 13 WHEREAS, The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, has constructed 14 an additional 20,000 new student seats to address overcrowding; and 15 WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, will need 16 approximately $180 million in new funding above current funding levels to continue 17 program enhancements, and RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MIAMI DADE SCHOOL BOARD 2007 LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE 01.10.07 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 18 WHEREAS, Florida employers consistently rank improving education and 19 workforce development as top concerns to the success of their businesses, and a highly 20 qualified, trained workforce is critical to strengthening the business climate; and 21 WHEREAS, the education system needs to respond to the workforce needs of 22 Florida's employers, including programs that expand career academies in high schools, 23 aligning career education with industry standards and workforce demands, and 24 expanding options for students to continue their education and enter the workforce, and 25 WHEREAS, the pre-K-20 education system is a key foundation for Florida's 26 future providing the talent base for economic diversification and an economic engine for 27 the knowledge economy, and Florida should continue to move its education system at 28 all levels (pre-K-20) into the top quartile in education, student rankings and graduation 29 rates based on national standards, and 30 WHEREAS, the City of Miami Gardens believes that funding a high-quality 31 education system is an investment in the ability to compete nationally and globally in the 32 marketplace, and 33 WHEREAS, the city of Miami Gardens believes that adequate funding is needed 34 to achieve a high-quality education system measured by student achievement, 35 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 36 OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 37 Section 1. ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS: The foregoing Whereas 38 paragraphs are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true, and the same are hereby 39 made a specific part of this Resolution. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MIAMI DADE SCHOOL BOARD 2007 LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE 01.10.07 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Section 2. SUPPORTS: The City Council of the City of Miami Gardens hereby supports the Miami-Dade County Public Schools' legislative initiative and request that the Florida Legislature: • Appropriate adequate funding to raise Miami-Dade's pre-pupil funding sufficient to provide a rigorous, high quality educational experience for every student and continue initiatives that are successfully raising students achievement in the District; and • Amend the Classrooms for Kids allocation formula for capital outlay Section 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its final passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10, 2007. ATf EST: SHIRLEY GIBSON, MAYOR RONETTA TAYLOR, CMC, CITY CLERK Reviewed by: Sonja K. Dickens. City Attorney SPONSORED BY: Mayor Shirley Gibson MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE: Mayor Shirley Gibson (Yes) (No) Vice Mayor Oscar Braynon, II (Yes) (No) Councilman Melvin L. Bratton (Yes) (No) Councilman Aaron Campbell (Yes) (No) Councilman Andre Williams (Yes) (No) Councilwoman Sharon Pritchett (Yes) (No) RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MIAMI DADE SCHOOL BOARD 2007 LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE 01.10.07 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 75 Councilwoman Barbara Watson (Yes) (No) RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MIAMI DADE SCHOOL BOARD 2007 LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE 01.10.07 (1) f.Xk~i~r~t aM~ ~nt ~ a~a~atr~s ~ ~ - e~d S-~p~aAn~ ai S~s ~l~ Ccwnty ScJrocJ Bcand Re~a#~r F Gru~y Edt?. N~l~ $, ~)C16 AS+~ J. Barr+ara. Gha~ Per~a Tabares Ha~tmar-. V'~e Ch~r . Fiank J. &~lal~os Fveryn Larg~e6 Greer ' tJr: Robert B. lrx~ratrt Dr. MerUt~ Karp Arra Rlvas Lc~gart [N. Marta Abr~ez th. Sdatwn C. S'tinaot~ t3ear Mayor i am attachin~g c~pies ~ Miami-Dad+~ Courity Pub!'~ School.s' 2~~7 Sta#e and Feder~ l.~g~t~s Rrograms for your r+evisw ar~d supp~xt. As a~vays, we irsok to you for assistar~c;e in help~g ir~ ~et tt~e Schc~o! Baard's legi~lative goais. 1.ast ye~r, aibeit a suoc~ssful legtslative year, the c~idren a~ M~ami-Dade Gcwrtty rec;~ived the smallest percentage increase jn the state~ as a resuit of sig~nt legi~lativa poticy changes in the fundir~g formWa. The Qis~trict Cr~st DifiFererrtial {pCQ) i~~Y ~ h~s resulteci in a net ~uc~ion ~af $-~4 mlllion in funding to the ~lac~ a~stric~ budget~ and otF~-r e~iuca~an~l fvnding polic~ss have resuited in an addi~ona( reduc#ion of fund'u~g of approximatety $19 miilian. learring the District w#th limited resouraes to deat with sscala#ng aperating casts, implementing new educatianal prograrras and provkfing teacher satary increases. A ktase budget incxeas~ #hat keeps ~acs with it~flation, rru~ves Fiorida towards the U.S. average pe~ pup~l~ and af{ows for competit~ve salaries to c~r teachers is paramount if we are to cantinue the successes af #he last two years. t can proud6y state that the student achieverr~nt is increasing in tt~am~-Dade County with the grea#~s# Increas~ in au~- Ivwest performing schaots. For the flrst time s~nce fhe State of ~forida began issuing sc~oo! acc~untability grades, mr~st schools have eamed a ietter grade af A in 2t106. in additian, the p~rc~ntage of sd~rools receiving the state's top fwo gredes fflr a# teast three con~tive years rose ta ~0 perc~nt. !n aEl~ 73 peresnt of the District's schools eamed an A or 6 in 2~,06. Twenty-two oi` the 39 sc~oals that have extended sdiool days and a i~ger schoai y~aar ~ovfc~tsd #hrough the 5c~~o) improvemenk Zc~r~e ralsed their lett~r grade. !f we are to im~fement the fuur cr~tical ~xiorities ta~eted by our Board • eliminating i~vw perForming schoals~ raising academtc student acttlev~m+~nt for afi students: reforming business practices ta ensure efFlcienc;yr, effec~tiveness, and high ethical standards; ar~ci recxuiting, developing, and ~etaining high performing, diversa, and mativated`faculty and staff - it requires funding. Understanding that the Fbrida Legislature and the residents of 1Niami-Dade Gounty deserve a retum on their investment, bath the State and F~dera! Legislatlve Programs ro~ect a phifasophy of fiscal responsibility yet insist on adequate and equ~tabte funding, operat~ng and capital, to fhe C3istrict. The pragrams also teflec# ac:~demic concerns by addressing the nesd for refann at the secandary fevei. The proposals were apprtzved by The School B~ard of Miam~-dade County, Fiorida, at its ~ctaber 11, 2tl06 meeting. The programs are aased on legistative needs expressed by the Baard, interested citizen groups and PTA/PTSA grvups, employee grc~ups, adrt~inistrafc~rs, and schod-site Fersonnei. Attached is a caopy of a Resah.~iv~ in support of the Bvard's legislative priarities and 1 woutd greatt3r appreciafe ya~r arganiz~tion's e~tdvrsement af #hese privrities. Page 1 of 2 Florida, at its October 11, 2006 meeting. The programs are based on legislative needs expressed by the Board, interested citizen groups and PTA/PTSA groups, employee groups, administrators, and school-site personnel. Attached is a copy of a Resolution in support of the Board's legislative priorities and I would greatly appreciate your organization's endorsemeM of these priorities. On behalf of the students of Miami-Dade County, I greatly appreciate your continued support in reaching our legislative goals and providing our chiidren the education and skilis to live productive lives and compete globally. Shouid you have any questions or need additional copies of the printed legislative programs, please contact Mr. Alberto M. Carvalho, Associate Superintendent, Office of Intergovemmental Affairs, Grants Administration, and Community Services, at 305 995-2532. Sincerely, . Rudolph . Crew, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools RFC/AMC:Ibd 1321 Attachments cc: School Board Members SuperintendenYs Cabinet School Board Attomey Dr. Magaly C. Abrahante Ms. Iraida R. Mendez-Cartaya Dr. Linda D. Brown Page 2 of 2 • r ~ ' S MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2007 STATE LEGISL4T/VE PROGRAM MISSIONlGOAL STATEMENT Provide the highesf qualiiy education so that a/l of our studenfs are empowered to lead productive and fulfilling lives as lifelong leamers and responsib/e citizens. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FUND/NG FOR EDUCATION (District Goal I- Ensure achievement of high academic standards by ali students; District Goal II - Devetop our students so that they are able to successfully compete in the global economy) Increase educational fundinq throuah the Florida Education Finance Proqram (FEFP) towards the national averaqe in per qupil expenditures, takinq into accoun~ actual student enrollment, cost of e ui . (GFCSB) Increase Safe Schoals, Suppiemental Academic Instruction, ESE Guaranteed Allocation to accommodate student enroliment and inflation. (GFCSB) Create and fund a housinQ supplement for teachers with five or fewer vears of service whose district housinq cost are above the state averaae. (GFCSB) Combine the two current local discretionarv millaqes (.51 and .25) equal'~zed to no more than the state-wide averac~eper student. (GFCSB) CAP/TA~ FUND/NG (District Goal IV - Reform business practices to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and high ethical standards) • Amend the Classrooms for Kids (class size reduction capital outlay) allocation formula for capital outlay funding to reflect actual capital outlay need and the intent of the constitutionai amendment. (GFCSB) • Repeal statutory limitations on the use of the 2-mill capital outlay lery. (GFCSB) SECONDARYEDUCATION REFORM (District Goal I- Ensure achievement of high academic standards by all students; District Goat il - Devefop our students so that they are able to successfuliy compete in the global econorny) Provide formula or competitive funding for secondary education reform that supports an extended school day and year, and encourages themed, career path-based academies and smaller leaming communities. (GFCSB) Page 1 of 3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (District Goal V- Recruit, develop, and retain high- pertorming, diverse, and motivated faculty and staf~ Modifv the Special Teachers Are Rewarded (STAR) proaram to arovide districts the flexibilitv to establish and implement differenfiated aav scales that recoQnize teacher performance and ailow fo~ the creation of a teacher career lattice and incentive fundin4 to lure exqerienced/accomalished teachers to low-pertorminq.schools. LEGAL (District Goal IV - Reform business practices to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and high ethical standards) Support the passage of a legislative claims relief act on behalf of the Estate of Jaime Gough. Amend state statutes making it a felony violation for applicants and teachers who knowingly attempt to fraudulenUy obtain and/or maintain teacher positions. POUCY STATEMENTS Oppose legislation that subverts local control of local school boards and superintendents. (G FCSB) . Fully fund the operating and capital ouHay costs of implementing the class size reduction constitutional amendment. (GFCSB) Support ma~amum flexibility in the use of categorical funds. Provide funding through a stable, long-term revenue source for the actual capital outlay needs of districts based on existing student station deficits, projected enrollment growth, the need for replacement, remodeling and maintenance of facilities, and providing for cost enhancements associated with varying local construction costs, state-mandated requirements and adverse environmental conditions. (GFCSB) Maintain the integrity of the FEFP and equity of funding among school districts. Oppose the imposition of unfunded, state-mandated expenditures. (GFCSB) Support increased accountabi(ity measures for all publicly funded school choice options. Oppose voucher programs that lack equitable and sufficient accountability measures. Maintain the current dual delivery system of post-secondary programs. (GFCSB) Oppose the deletion of impact fees unless replaced with another revenue source. (GFCSB) Oppose any attempt to equalize the 2-mill lery. Encourage the education of parents and children regarding the dangers of sexual solicitation and abuse of youth. Page2of3 e - t ' Modifir the Jessica Lunsford Act to reauire Levei II back4round screeninq onlv for those aersons who enter school qrounds unsupenrised and are in direct contact with Pre-K-12 students. (GFCSB) Onpose anv prescribed expenditure reauirement such as the "65 percent solution° as a mandate in A the Florida Constitution; further, oapose anv such leqislation unless established as a saendina qoal d d and unless the definition of "classroom-refated" expenditures includes all °instructional suaaort' 8 exqenditures. I d J Reqeal the Florida Schools of Excellence Commission. (GFCSB) Supt~ort state fundinq for a hiqh qualitv, full-dav Voluntarv Pre-K NPFO proaram under the Florida Deqartment of Education. (GFCSB) Support state fundinq for the expansion of the HealthConnect Proqram in our schools. Suaport the modification to the current transportation fundinq formula to include use of the Averaqe Bus Occupancv (ABOI formula mod'rfier in lieu of a°per availabie seat" basis. Maximize education and iob-traininq oaportunities for low-wacae workinq parents under new federal welfare requlations. Ensure that qublic workforce education aroarams, effective public schools, and school districts are authorized to provide SES consistent with federal reQUlations. Supoort amendinc~ the Florida Teacher Lead Proqram to include ful!-time pre-kinderqarten teachers. ~GFCSB - Greater Florida Consortium of Schaol Boards Page3of3 s ,+ MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2007 STATE LEG/SLATIVE PROGRAM MISSION/GOAL STATEMENT Provide tf-e highest qua/ity educafion so fhat all of our studenfs are empowered to /ead productive and fulfilling lives as lifelong leamers and responsible citizens. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FUNDING FOR EDUCATION (Dtstrict Goal I- Ensure achievement of high academic standards by all students; District Goal II - Develop our students so that they are able to successfully compete in the global economy) Increase educational fundinq throuqh the Florida Education Finance Propram (FEFP) towards the national averaqe in aer pupil expenditures, takinqinto account: actual student enrollment, cost of livinq, equalizinq features in the FEFP formula, inflation, lncreasinqutility and insurance costs, the actual cost of deliverinq programs to special poqulations, and the principals of adeguacv and e ui (GFCSB) Increase Safe Schools, Supplemental Academic instruction, ESE Guaranteed Allocation to accommodate student enrollment and inflation. (GFCSB) Create and fund a housinct supplement for teachers with five or fewer vears of service whose district housingcost are above the state averaqe. (GFCSB) Combine the two current local discretionarv millaQes (.51 and .25Zequalized to no more than the state-wide avera4e per student. (GFCSB) Provide a minimum guarantee to ensure that everv student in Florida receives an increase of no less than the percentac~e increase in the base student allocation. CAPITAL FUND/NG (District Goal IV - Reform business practices to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and high ethica! standards) • Amend the Classrooms for Kids (class size reduction capital outlay) allocation formula for capital outlay funding to reflect actual capital outlay need and the intent of the constitutional amendment. (GFCSB) • Repeal statutory limitations on the use of the 2-mill capital outlay levy. (GFCSB) SECONDARY EDUCATION REFORM (District Goal I- Ensure achfevement of high academlc standards by all students; District Goal Il - Develop our students so that they are abte to successfully cvmpete in the global economy) Provide formula or competitive funding for secondary education reform that supports an extended school day and year, and encourages themed, career path-based academies and smaller leaming communities. (GFCSB) Page 1 of 3 d • PROFESSlONAL DEVELOPMENT (District Goai V- Recruit, develop, and retain high- pertorming, diverse, and motivated faculty and staffl ModifY,the Sqecial Teachers Are Rewarded ISTARI qroaram to~rovide districts the flexibilitv to establish and implement differentiated pav scafes that recoqnize teacher aerformance and allow for the creation of a teacher career lattice and incentive fundina to lure experienced/accomplished teachers to low-performinq schools. Support the creation of an elite cadre of "tum_around" schooi leaders enablina districts to brinq back hiqhlv effective retired orincipals to serve as mentors in low-qerforming schools. LEGAL (Dlstrict Goal IV - Reform business practices to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and high ethical standards) Support the passage of a legislative claims relief act on behalf of the Estate of Jaime Gough. Amend state statufes making it a felony violation for applicants and teachers who knowingly attempt to fraudulentfy obtain and/or maintain teacher positions. POL/CY STATEMENTS Oppose legislation that subverts local control of local school boards and superintendents. (GFCSB) Fully fund the operating and capital outlay costs of implementing the class size reduction constitutional amendment. (GFCSB) Support maximum flexibiliry in the use of categorical funds. Provide funding through a stable, long-term revenue source for the actual capital outlay needs of districts based on existing student station deficits, projected enrollment growth, the need for replacement, remodeling and maintenance of facilities, and providing for cost enhancements associated with varying local construction costs, state-mandated requirements and adverse environmental conditions. (GFCSB) Maintain the integrity of the FEFP and equity of funding among school districts. Oppose the imposition of unfunded, state-mandated expenditures. (GFCSB) Support increased accountability measures for all publicly funded school choice options. Oppose voucher programs that lack equitable and sufficient accountability measures. Maintain the current dual delivery system of post-secondary programs. (GFCSB) Oppose the deletion of impact fees unless replaced with another revenue source. (GFCSB) Oppose any attempt to equalize the 2-mill levy. Encourage the education of parents and children regarditlg the da~ge~s of sexual SOIICitatiorl a~d abuse of youth. Page 2 of 3 Modifir the Jessica Lunsford Act_tA.rsau~re I.QUS~J.~tl.h~~.:s~ur~j ^^-~~-•-- --~-~ __._ .,. Suoport state fundinq for a hiQh Qualitv, full-dav Voluntary Pre-K (VPK) arogram under the Florida Department of Education. (GFCSB) Support state fundinq for the expansion of the HeaithConnect ProQram in our schools. Support the modification to the current transportation fundin4 formufa to include use of the Averaae Bus Occupancv (ABO) formula modifier in lieu of a"per available seaY' basis. Maximize education and iob-traininp opqortunities for low-waqe workinq parents under new federal welfare requlations. Ensure that public workforce education procuams. effective nublic schools, and school districts are authorized to provide SES consistent with federal requlations. Page 3 of 3 Resolution on Legislative Needs Whereas, the Florida Constitution provides that the education of children is a fundamental value of the,geople of Florida and a Qaramount duty of the State; Whereas, the Constitution creates a clear mandate for a uniform and hlqh ctualitv education system and for the State to make adequate provision for this purpose; Whereas, Florida is one of the Ieaders in the nation in mandating public school educational accountability measures and The School Board of Miami-Dade County has earned a second straight grade of B in the state accountability system, faHing just seven potnts short of the cutoff score for a grade of A; Whereas the number of schools in Miamf-Dade County, Florida, receiving a letter grade of A increased to 53%- highest percentage ever - despite tougher state; Whereas The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, has constructed an additlonal 20,000 new student seats to address overcrowdfng using local; Whereas The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Fiorida, will need approximately $180 million in new monies above current funding leveis to continue program enhancements; Whereas, Florida employers consistently rank (mproving education and workforce development as top concerns to the success of their business, and a highly qualified, trained workforce is critlcal to strengthening our business climate; Whereas, the education system needs to respond to the workforce needs of Florida's employers, Including programs that expand career academies in high schools, aligning career education with industry standards and workforce demands, and expanding options for students to continue their education and enter the workforce; Whereas, the pre-K-20 education system is a key foundation for Flortda's future providing the talent base for economic diversification and an economic engine for the knowledge economy, and Florida should continue to move its education system at all levels (pre-K-20) into the top quartile in education quality, student rankings and graduation rates based on national standards; Whereas, the believes that funding a high-quafity education system is an investment in the ability to compete nationally and globally fn the marketplace; and Whereas, the believes that adequate funding is needed to achieve a high- quality education system measured by student achievement; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved: The supports the Miami-Dade County Public Schools' leg(slative initiative and requests that the Florida l.egislature: / appropriate adequate funding to raise Miami-Dade's per- pupil funding sufficient to provide a rigorous, high quality educatlonal experience for every student and contlnue initiatives that are successfully raising student achievement in the District; and ~ amend the Classrooms for Kids allocativn formula for capital outlay funding to reflect actual capital outlay need.