HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ-3 Resolution: Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc.City of ~Vliami ~ard~ens 1515-200 NW 167~' Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33169 Date: May 23, 2007 Fiscal Impact: No X Yes ^ (If yes, explain in Staff Summary) Funding Source: 1St Year CDBG funds Aqenda Cover Paqe Public hearing ^ Ordinance ^ 1st Reading ^ Mayor Shirley Gibson Vice Mayor Oscar Braynon II Councilman Melvin L. Bratton Councilman Aaron Campbell Jr. Councilwoman Sharon Pritchett Councilwoman Barbara Watson Councilman Andr~ Williams Contract/P.O. Requirement: Yes ^ No^ Advertising requirement: Sponsor Name/Department: Community Development RFP/RFQ/Bid # Quasi-Judicial o Resolution X 2nd Reading ^ Yes X No ^ Title Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a sub-recipient agreement with Craven & Thompson, Inc. to conduct a Basis of Design Report (BODR) as part of the City's Livable Neighborhoods Initiative. Staff Summarv Background As reflected in the City's 2006-2007 Annual Action Plan submitted to U.S. Housing and Urban Development, the condition of infrastructure in several neighborhoods was identified as a priority project. A significant portion of our lst year entitlement funds have been allocated to what has been termed as the City's Livable Neighborhoods Initiative. The engineering firm of Craven & Thompson, Inc. was selected using a formal request for qualifications (RFQ) process and approved by Council at the March 14, 2007 Council meeting. Craven & Thompson, Inc. have submitted their proposed scope of work in the form of a Basis of Design Report (BODR) and City staff has reviewed and determined that it meets the objectives needed at this initial phase of the project. Recommendation City staff recommends the approval of the attached resolution. The contract amount will be $284, 312.00 and funded from the ls` year CDBG funds. J-3) CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTION CRAVEN THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Resolution No. RESOLUTION No. 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIANii GARDENS, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE SCOPE OF SERVICES ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" WITH RESPECT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS AND CRAVEN THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES, INC., IN REFERENCE TO THE LIVABLE NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 WHEREAS, on March 14, 2007, the City Council agreed to award an 2 architecturai engineering contract to Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc., and 3 WHEREAS, in the original Contract, the City approved an hourly wage for 4 engineers who will be providing services with respect to the Livable Neighborhood 5 Initiative, and 6 WHEREAS, Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc., has submitted its proposed 7 Scope of Work for the Livable Neighborhood Initiative in the amount of $284,312.00, 8 and 9 WHEREAS, City staff is recommending that the City Council approve the Scope 10 of Work, 11 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 12 OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 13 Section 1. ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS: The foregoing Whereas 14 paragraphs are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true, and the same are hereby 15 made a specific part of this Resolution. 16 Section 2. APPROVAL: The City Council of the City of Miami Gardens hereby 17 approves the Scope of Work attached hereto as Exhibit "A" with respect to the 1 Resolution No. 18 Agreement befinreen the City of Miami Gardens and Craven Thompson & Associates, 19 Inc., for engineering services for the City's Livable Neighborhood Initiative. 20 Section 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Resolution shall take effect immediately 21 upon its final passage. 22 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI 23 GARDENS AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MAY 23, 2007. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ATTEST: SHIRLEY GIBSON, MAYOR RONETi"A TAYLOR, CMC, CITY CLERK Prepared by SONJA KNIGHTON DICKENS, ESQ. City Attorney SPONSORED BY: DANNY CREW, CITY MANAGER MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE: Mayor Shirley Gibson Vice Mayor Oscar Braynon, II Councilman Melvin L. Bratton Councilman Aaron Campbell Councilman Andre Williams Councilwoman Sharon Pritchett Councilwoman Barbara Watson SKD/teh 251927_1.DOC (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) 2 City of Miami Gardens Scope of Consuitant Ser~~ices Livabie Neighborhood Improvements CONSITLTANT: Craven Thomvson & Associates, Inc. RFO#: 06-07-008 (CTA Proiect No. 07-0034) The CITY acid CONSULTANT may ne~otiate subsequent scopes of service, compensation, time of performance and other related matters for future phases of Project. If CITY and CONSiTLTANT cannot contractually agree, CITY shall have the right to immediately terminate negotiation and procure services for future Project phase from others. CITY shall have the riaht, without limitation, to not go forward ~~~ith future phasES. A. Background The Livable Neighborhood project includes three neighborhoods generally kno~nm as Vista Verde, Kings Gardens I& II and Garden Circle. These areas are more specifically described below: 1. Vista Verde ' Vista Verde is approximately 1 ~3 acres bounded to the North by NW 215th Street, the East NW 37~' Avenue, to the South by the C-9 canal and to the West by a tract of Land owned by the Fl Auto Auction of Orlando, Inc. 2. Kings Gardens I& II Kings Gardens I& II is approximately 17 acres bounded to the North by NW 19~`~' Street, the East by Miami Gardens Elementary School, the South by NW 1915` Street and the West by NW 47~' Avenue. 3. Garden Circle Crarden Circle is approximately 7 acres; general boundaries are a walled community inclusive of NW 184~' Terrace, NW 44`~' Place and NW 44~' Court located north of Miami Crardens Drive. Total acreage is approximately 177 acres. Proposed improvements include Drainage, Paving, Sidewalk, Street Lighting, Landscaping, and Signage. (see general map on page A2). Al Gity af Vliami G~rdens N W E S E .+7i ; 5C'i -.5~ ~,~,_, I E i -~ -. ~11~1[ Fcr1 ~@~G [1C~ - s~= rs PR0.IECT AREAS ~ VISTk VEf2DE (153 AC) ~~ KlNGS GARDEN {95.3ACj ~~ G,r,RD~+ CSR.(6.a5 ACj ____~ Se;~orts 32S4-fi'[ 5-52-41 A2 B. Phase I- Comprehensi`~e Study The CONSIJLTANT will prepare a Basis of Design Report (BODR) «~hich will include the follo~a~ing tasks under this Phase: Task 1: Investigation/Data Collection CONSULTANT shall gather and review previously proposed reports and desiens and accomplish field investigations necessary to complete the Basis of Design Report (BODR) as provided herein. a. Obtain existing utility information, including water, sev,~er, drainage. gas, te]ephone and under2round electric. b. Meet v,~ith all applicable utility and permitting agencies. c. Review all available reports and record drawings for age, condition and material at existing utilities. d. Visit site to determine general physical condition of various infrastructure components. e. Review all existing record plats for easements and rights of way. f. Review all previous and ongoing construction activities within the project limits to determine its relevance to this project. Task 2: Meetings CONSITLTANT shall attend meetings for review and schedulina as authorized by the contract administrator to include: a. Two (2) meetings with CITY staff. b. Meetings with other government agencies as directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. c. CONSULTANT shall attend up to four (4) coordination meetings with CITY and other agencies or municipalities. d. One presentation meeting to the City Commission. Task 3: Topographic Survey of the Areas consisting of: a. Vertical and Horizontal Control Network - To insure consistency in the topographic data gathering activity and for future reference, a system of benchmarks will be established at approxirr~ately 1,000 foot intervals. The elevations will be derived from e~sting government benchmarks and carried into the proposed system using Second Order, Class II, procedures. A full listing of benchmark location descriptions and elevations will be made available as an appendix of the BODR. b. Topographic Data Collection - Cross sections of all roadways (right-of-way line) will be recorded electronically for use in the base mapping task. This activity wil] provide cross-sections of streets 25 feet beyond property line at 50-foot intervals and include the location and elevation of edge and centerline of pavements, centerline of swale, right-of-way line and 10 foot offset from right-of-way line and rim/inverts of existing drainage structures. c. Critical Floor Elevation - To insure that the most cost effective solutions are evaluated in this task, the first floor elevation of all primary structures will be recorded. T'he first floor elevation at the exterior of the front entrance shall be recorded. A3 ~ d. Provide location of all above eround improvements and tress within and 5 feet beyond the right-of-way. e. Locate properly corners and streets right-of-«~ay. f. Calculate geometry of the perimeter of existing plats for addition to mapping file. Task 4: Drainage a. Determine RunoffPotential of the Basin: 1• Detailed review and calculations of pervious and impervious areas will be performed from the survey and available aerial photographs. An appropriate surface runoffcoefficient will then be applied to these areas to determine the runoff potential of each of the three design storms (i.e., 5 year/1 day, 10 year/1 day, 100 year/3 day). From a review of the topography of the area and the runoff potential, CONSLTLTANT will establish the appropriate sub-basin boundaries and surface flow characteristics. b. Review Available Positive Outlets (if any): i• Plats and readily a~ailable deeds, title data, permits, etc. will be researched to deternune accessibility to outlets via existing drainage easements and/or right-of-way. 2• Topographic field data will be obtained to determine possible new additional access points to the canals/lakes. 3• Review available capacity in any pipe, outlet, or outfall throughout the Project. 4• Analysis ofthe outfalls, including visual inspection for restrictions and determination of hydraulic capacity. Review of all previous studies on discharge into the outfalls. c. Retention/Detention Determine retention/detention opportunities either within the basin or within reasonable access to a drainage system for the basin. This will include: 1• Identifying possible vacant lots and homes to be acquired and converted to retention areas, if required. 2• Determining discharge capabilities of a e~ltration drainage system (trench storage, soil percolation, soil storage, ete.) 3• Determine ability to incorporate other adjacent la.kes/canals into a surface water manaaement system for storm~~~ater detention. ~ A4 d. Evaluation of Altematives 1. Determine alteTnative methods of achieving protection for the chosen design storms. 2. Determine optimum solution and cost factors for each level of service. 3. Identify optunum phasing «~ithin project area relative to cost and level of service. 4. Evaluate reducing levels of service for road~~~ay flood protection. Task 5: Roadvvays and Sidewall:s a. Review condition of roadways and determine areas to be rebuilt or repaved. b. Establish uniform sidewalk section and identify areas requiring replacement or new sidewalk. Task 6: Street Lighting a. Review existing street lighting conditions. b. Identify street lighting requirements. c. Review Florida Power and Ligrit street lighting policies and detemune applicable needs to the neighborhood. Task 7: Landscaping a. Identify street tree planting corridors in all three neighborhoods. b. Identify typical conceptual median planting and streetscape design alternatives for NW 39`t' Avenue. c. Identify potential landscaped entry points to all three neighborhoods. d. Prepare one (1) conceptual entry sign design per each of the three neighborhoods. e. Identify potential passive park space in both Kings Gardens and Garden Circle and prepare one (1) schematic conceptual park plan for each. f. Review design of e~sting perimeter wal] at Garden C'ucle and provide recommendations for revisions. Task 8: Permitting: a. CONSITLTANT shall identify applicab]e permitting agencies and required permits. b. Consultant shall meet with permitting agencies as required to identify specific requirements for this project. A5 Task 9: Basis of Design Report (B4DR) Utilizing tYie data coIlected in the above tasks and other information that may be available, CONSULTANT will prepare the BODR that defines the character and extent of the Project. The initial Scope of VJork sha11 include, but not be limited to Planning, Surveying, Testing, Pre-design, BODR Preparation, Coordination ~~~ith municipal, county, State and Federal Agencies, as required to provide: l. A schematic Drainage System plan for ehe basin(s) ~~~ith u~ater quality and detention features, plus a positive outfall(s). 2. A schematic pavement and grading plan to optimize the aforementioned Drainage System, minimize house flooding, and provide roadway traffic improvements. 3. Hydraulic calculations sufficient to establish those dwellings that cannot be economically protected from flooding, and their cost of acquisition. 4. A schematic plan of the existing and proposed street ]ighting. 5. Schematic plan for Sidewall:s, Landscaping plans for collector roads; sodded s~~~ales; and landscaped neighborhood Entry features. 6. Review rights of way and easements that may need to be acquired. The BODR shall also include: - cost (land acquisition, capital and operation, where applicable) - regulatory/pernutting considerations - scheduling considerations - phasing requirements - public impacts - environmental impacts A list of regulatory permits/approvals required alon~ with estimated processing time. , A description of whether or not property acquisition is necessary and, if so, the reasQns for the acquisition and the associated estimated costs. If property acquisition is necessary, the description shall include whether the acquisitions are temporary or permanent and a schedule of when the properiy is required will be provided. A schedule for completing Project itemized phase by phase including critical issues and the time period allowed for resolving each issue. Opportunities for expediring Project shall be reviewed and evaluated. A Project cost estimate for each altemative method of achieving the chosen levels of protection. The cost estimate shall include a detailed tabulation of all portions of Project (i.e., redesign; design, permitting, construction, construction management and land acquisition). CITY recognizes that CONSULTANT has no control over the cost of construction labor and materials, or over the competitive bidding process. A preliminary draft BODR shall be provided to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for initial review and comment. This will be in an outline format and will be used as a guide in preparing the final BODR, The draft BODR shall be complete includina CONSULTANT's qualit}~ control re~~ie~a~. ready for A6 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's review and comment. Four (4) copies ofthe draft BODR shall be delivered to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review and comment. Thirty working days of review time for CONTRACT ADMIII~'ISTRATOR has been provided for in CONSLTLTANT's Time of Perforcuance. CONSLTLTANT shall meet with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to receive and discuss CONTRACT ADD~'ISTRATOR's review comments. Based upon CONSULTANT's cost estimate CONTRACT ADMINiSTRATOR shall advise CONSiTLTANT if portions of Project need to be deleted, phased or bid as deductive alternatives in order to satisfy financial considerations of COUNTY. The final BODR shall include the revie«~ comments of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that CONSULTANT deems appropriate. CONSULTANT shall provide in writing the rationale for deeming unincorporated CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's comments inappropriate. Ten (10) copies of fmal BODR shall be delivered to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. If CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR deems appropriate, CONSULTANT shall deliver ri~o check copies of final BODR to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for checking of resolution of CONTRACT ADRZINISTRATOR's comments before CONSULTANT delivers the final BODR. During the course of preparing the master plans and final BODR, CONSULTANT ~~ill meet with various pubiic agencies and property owners. These meetings v,~ill be for the purpose of determinin~ the feasibility of using the agencies or properiy owners facilities or property i.e., drainage culverts or lakes. CONSULTANT ~~ill prepare exhihits and attend meetings as requested by COLTNTY. Negotiations for the preparation of final agreements to use these facilities or provide service is not part of this phase. Task 10: Public A~vareness a. Attend two (2) meetings with community leaders and members of the community for each of the three areas, as requested. b. CONSLTLTANT to coordinate with CITY and community for attending necessary community meetings for this project, when requested by CITY. This will include up to two (2) additional public meetings per area. Task 11: Geotechnical Investigation Review Soil Characteristics throughout the Basin consisting of: a. Obtaining approximately 30 standard penetration tests to review extent of limerock strata and historical high and low water table elevations. Obtaining and reviewing approximately 30 percolation tests to determine feasibility of e~ltration drainage system. c. Prepare Environmental Site Assessment (Phase One) Audit of the three neighborhoods. Task 12: Reimbarsables CITY shall reimburse CONSULTANT for expenses as allowed in the prime agreement. a. CONSULTANT shall provide copies of reporks, plans etc. as requested by the CONTRACT ADMIIVISTRATOR. b. Copies of plans, reports, etc. of the project area from pubiic agencies. c. Milease, telephone. etc. A7 d. Permit fees. C. Management and Administrative Matters: uTithin seven working days of receipt of Notice To Proceed, CONSULTANT shall provide CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR with a schedule for completing the Conceptual Master Basinv~~ide Study identifying appropriate milestones. COl\TSULTANT shall perform the services described in Exhibit "A" ~~~ithin 180 calendar days after receipt of the NOTICE TO PROCEED. D. Fees Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc. proposes to perform the above described work in accordance ~~.~ith an existing contract between the City of Miami Gardens and Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc. for the following fees: Hourly not to exceed $~3,152 Lump Sum $231,160 Total $284,312 A8 Miami Gardens Livable Neighborhood Craven Thompson ~ Associates Task Fee Schedule 27-Apr-07 CTA Project No. 07-0034 Task Fee Schedule Hourly Rate 50.00 70.00 80.00 105.00 110.00 100.00 115.00 175.00 2l 0.00 TASK Cler Inspect Tech PLS S.crew Eng Sr.eng Pr.mngr Prin FEE 1 Invesrigatior coord with util dept 4 6 2 2 1,380 exist permit researcY 2 6 6 4 2,090 obtain util maps 4 8 12 4 4 3,200 review as-built drawin~: 8 8 6 2,770 site inspecrior 8 8 8 8 4,800 subtotal hours 10 0 8 0 0 40 28 24 8 14,240 subtotal fee S00 0 640 0 0 4,000 3,22Q 4,200 1,680 14,240 2 Meetin~s review mtgs w/Cit} 4 8 8 6 3,780 mtgs w\ municipaliti~ 4 4 8 6 3,320 mtgs w\ city commissior 8 8 8 4,000 subtotal houis 8 0 0 0 0 0 20 24 20 1 I,100 subtotal fee 400 0 0 0 0 0 2,300 4,200 4,200 11,100 3 Survey horiz contro] 4 40 70 1 12,215 traverse 4 36 60 10,580 base nms 4 20 100 13,300 calc plat 4 50 40 4 8,860 set bench mark~ 4 24 30 6,020 locate prop comers,r/v~ 4 24 80 11,520 locate improver.~ent 4 24 120 15,920 x-section street 4 40 24 SO 14,720 obtain Snsh floor elev 16 60 8,280 locate potholed uti 4 24 40 7,120 office calcs 4 20 20 S 4,820 cadd mapping 4 100 40 8 13,320 supervision 8 30 20 8 7,530 subtotal hours . 52 210 362 640 0 41 0 8 134,205 subtotal fee 2,600 16,800 38,010 70,400 0 4,715 0 1,680 134,205 4 Drainage azea analysis - perv/im~ 2 8 8 6 4 2,930 eval avail. lanc 1 4 4 I 1,085 eva] altemative: 2 8 4 4 4 2,900 prelim flood routin€ 2 20 20 4 5,100 review outfall location: 1 8 6 4 4 3,080 conceptual desigr 6 40 40 20 8 4 12,040 subtotal hours 14 48 0 0 88 60 25 12 27,135 subtotal fee 700 3,840 0 0 8,800 6,900 4,375 2,520 27,135 5 Roadways & sidewallc eval existinL 4 4 8 8 6 2 3,710 schematic desi~ 4 12 16 16 8 2 6,420 subtotal hours 8 0 16 0 0 24 24 14 4 10,130 subtotal fee 400 0 1,280 0 0 2,400 2,760 2,450 840 10,130 1 of 3 Miami Gardens Livable Neighborhood Craven Thompson & Associates Task Fee Schedule 27-Apr-07 Task Fee Schedule CTA Project No. 07-0034 HourlyRate ~0.00 70.00 80.00 105.00 110.00 100.00 I15.00 175.00 2]0.00 TASK Cler Inspect Tech PLS S.crew Eng Sr.en~ Pr.mnb Prin FEE 6 Street Lighting eval existin~ 4 4 8 4 4 2 2,900 schematic desi~ 4 8 8 4 2 2 ~,870 subtotal hours 8 0 12 0 0 16 8 6 4 5,770 subtotal fee 400 0 960 0 0 1,600 920 1,050 840 5,770 7 Landscapin; signa~e 6 36 16 2 6,090 schematic design 4 36 16 2 1 6,200 subtotal hours ] 0 0 0 0 72 32 4 1 12,290 subtotal fee 500 0 0 0 7,200 3,680 700 210 12,290 8 Pernvt Investigatior coord with agencie: 2 8 4 1,720 mtgs with city/count} 2 8 4 1,720 subtotal hours 4 0 0 0 0 16 8 0 3,440 subtotal fee 200 0 0 0 0 1,840 1,400 0 3,440 9 Basis of Design Repon drainage cost es~ 2 4 4 2 1,310 drainage repon 6 2 8 6 2 2,890 roads, sidewalk cost es 2 4 4 2 1,310 roads, sidewalk repor 6 2 6 6 1 2,450 street lighting cost es 2 2 2 2 880 street lighting repor 6 2 4 6 I 2,220 landscaping cost es 2 4 4 2 1,310 landscaping repon 6 2 6 6 1 2,450 fmal reporl 20 8 16 6 6 5,950 quality control 4 8 8 6 3,180 subtotal hours 56 0 0 0 0 38 62 38 17 23,950 subtotal fee 2,800 0 0 0 3,800 7,130 6,650 3,570 23,950 10 Public Awarenes~ public neighborhood mtg~ 2 4 36 6,860 media coordinatior 2 2 450 brochures prep, etc. 2 4 4 1,260 subtotal hours 6 0 0 0 0 0 8 42 0 8,570 subtotal fee 300 0 0 0 0 0 920 7,350 0 8,570 subtotal hours summary 176 0 294 362 640 278 299 185 74 subtotal fee summary 8,800 0 23,520 38,010 70,400 27,800 34,385 32,375 15,54U 250,830 11 Geotechnicalinvestigarioi 23,482 12 Reimburables 10,000 PROJECT TOTAL 284,312 2 of 3 Miami Garciens Livab{e Neighborhood Craven Thompson 8~ Associates Task Fee Schedule 27-Apr-07 CTA Project No. 07-0034 Task Fee Schedule Hourly Rate 50.00 70.00 80.00 105.00 110.00 100.00 115.U0 175.00 210.00 TASK Cler Inspect Tech PLS S.crew Eng Sr.eng Pr.mngr Prin FEE Task Fee Summary Task 1 14,240 Investijatioc Task 2 11,100 * Meetin's Task 3 134,205 Survey Task 4 27,135 Drainage Task 5 10,130 Roadways & sidewalk Task 6 5,770 Street Lightint Task 7 12,290 Landscaping Task 8 3,440 Pemut Investigatior Task 9 23,950 Basis of Design Repon Task 10 8,570 * Public Awarenes~ Task 11 23,482 * Geotechnical investigatio~ Task 12 10,000 * Reimburables * Items hourly NTE 53,152 Lump sum total 231,160 TOTAL 284,312 3 of 3