HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-044-1840 - P.O. to Doug Williams Group with Presentation  City of Miami Gardens Agenda Memo City Council Meeting Date: February 13, 2013 Item Type: (Enter X in box) Resolution Ordinance Other X Fiscal Impact: (Enter X in box) Yes No Ordinance Reading: (Enter X in box) 1st Reading 2nd Reading X Public Hearing: (Enter X in box) Yes No Yes No X Funding Source: General Fund Advertising Requirement: Yes No X Contract/P.O. Required: Yes No RFP/RFQ/Bid #: X Strategic Plan Related: Yes No Strategic Plan Priority Area: Enhance Organizational Bus. & Economic Dev x Public Safety Quality of Education Qual. of Life & City Image Communication N/A X Sponsor Name: Mayor Oliver Gilbert, III Department: City Council   Short Title:    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF FIFTY-SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ($56,000.00) TO THE DOUG WILLIAMS GROUP, INC. (DWG), FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   Staff Summary:     Background: In February 2012, City Council authorized the City Manager to engage the services of the Doug Williams Group (DWG) to conduct an organizational assessment to determine the City’s capacity to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the current 5-year Strategic Planning Document. That assessment has been completed. Since that time, new members have been elected and appointed to the City Council. As     City of Miami Gardens Bicycle-Pedestrian Mobility Plan – Work Order February 8, 2012       a result of the new Council composition, and in light of the expiration of the current Strategic Plan, there is a need for the City as an organization to set its priorities going forward. Current Situation: The City Council recently directed the City Manager to coordinate a strategic planning session. City Staff has met with DWG to discuss the scope of work desired. Naturally, it made sense to engage the same consultant that performed the organizational assessment for the City. The DWG provided a planning road map that would guide the City in accomplishing this task. The road map consists of the following key activities:  One on one interviews between Council members and Doug Williams  A City Council working session; ½ day session that would include City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk  A Senior Management working session; ½ day session that would include all Department Directors  A combined working session between Council and senior management (tentative)  Communication of established strategic priorities to employees and residents It should be noted that there are other activities detailed in the business planning roadmap provided by DWG (see attached). DWG’s proposal for providing the needed strategic planning services is $56,000. It is recommended that the Council approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase order with DWG for the services outlined in the letter of engagement. Proposed Action:  That the City Council approve the attached resolution.   Attachments:   City of Miami Gardens Business Planning Roadmap  DWG Letter of Engagement Letter of Engagement 1. The Doug Williams Group, Inc. (Company) has been engaged by the City of Miami Gardens (Client), to provide various sendees related to a C.ity oj Miami Gardens Business Planning engagement. The specific objective of this engagement, scope of this engagement, and deliverable? for this engagement are outlined in the attached document; City of Miami Gardens Business Planning 1 '.ngagcmcnj. dated January 28, 2013. 2. As evidence ot the desire ot Company to develop a long-term business relationship with Client, Company has discounted the Standard professional fees from 5112,000 to the Preferred professional fee of $56,000. Professional fees do not include administrative, travel, or materials costs directly related to this engagement such as travel, hotel, meal per diem, shipping, telecommunications costs, and/or training materials. Additional client requested activities outside the defined scope ot this engagement will be priced at Preferred fates. Company respectfully requests that Client maintain strict confidentiality with regard to the Preferred financial arrangement of this engagement. 3. The Preferred professional tees and administrative, travel, or materials costs will be invoiced to Client by Company on a monthly basis and will be paid by Client with 30 days of receipt of invoice by Client. 4. In consideration ot application of Preferred pricing, it is agreed that there is mutual intent to maintain a long-term relationship between Client and Company. Accordingly, Company respectfully requests that it continue to be given the opportunity to provide Client performance improvement related services on an as needed basis, as the option of first resort. Additionally, Company respectfully requests that, when it has exceeded Client's expectations with regard to this engagement, Client will make efforts to refer Company to organisations that may need performance improvement related services of the type provided by Company. 5. Client and Company will be sharing information that derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use and is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. As such, any information shared between Client and Company will remain confidential. Additionally, processes, materials, and procedures used with Client will not be shared with other entities without express consent. 6. Tt is agreed that assignments and responsibilities will be executed with care, skill and diligence. If either party fails to meet the performance expectations of the other, the issue will be discussed immediately and a reasonable time tor correction action will be provided. 7. It is agreed that if suit is necessary to enforce the terms of this agreement, Client agrees to all proceedings being brought in the Circuit Court of the Kleventh Judicial Circuit, in and for Mranii-Dade County, riorida. It is agreed that the performance of Company will be evaluated throughout this engagement by consultation with the primary individuals Company works with. If, after consultation with these individuals, Dr. Danny Crew concludes that Company has not delivered these services such that Client's expectations have been exceeded, no professional fees will be due to Company. If any professional fees have been paid to Company by Client during this engagement, said paid professional fees will be refunded. ACCEPTED AND APPROVED Mr. Douglas B^vtlliams Date Chief Executive Officer The Doug Williams Group, Inc. Dr. Danny Crew Datt City Manager City of Miami Gardens City of Miami Gardens Business Planning Engagement Engagement Objective - Engagement Scope - Engagement Deliverables Engagement Objective The City of Miami Gardens (CMG) recently eompleted an Organisation Assessment to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the CMC) organization. A significant weakness noted in the Organisation Assessment was the absence of an effective business planning process. The objective of this engagement is to implement an effective business planning process for CMCi. Engagement Scope The Doug Williams Group (DWG) will be responsible for effective execution of activities including, but not limited to: 1. Preparation of a communication that summarises the results of the Resident Survey, the contents of the Organisation Assessment Report, and the activities related to the (,MCi business Planning Roadmap (enclosed). 2. Conduct of personal interviews of members of the CMG Council to gather input regarding: a. Strengths and weaknesses. b. Hierarchy of sendees. c. Prioritised city-wide goals. cl. City-wide improvement initiatives. 3. Preparation and delivery of a CMG Council working session to review and discuss the themes of input gathered via personal interviews of members of the CMCi Council. 4. Preparation and delivery of a CMG Management working session to plan for implementation of selected city-wide improvement initiatives. 5. Preparation and delivery of a CMG Council working session to review the outcomes of the CMG Management working session (item 4). 6. Preparation of a communication for employees and residents that summarises the outcomes of CMG Council and CMG Management working sessions. 7. Preparation and delivery of training and coaching sessions to support CMG Management in the development of department business plans, in support of the CMG 2014 budget. 8. Design and implementation support to incorporate accountability measures into the management performance evaluation and resolution approval systems. Engagement Deliverables 1. A communication that summarises the results of the Resident Survey, the contents of the Organisation Assessment Report, and the activities related to the CMC', lousiness Planning Roadmap. 2. A summary of input gathered via personal interviews of the CMG Council. 3. A summary of the outcomes of CMG Council working sessions. 4. A summary of the outcomes of CMG Management working sessions. 5. A communication for employees and residents that summarizes the outcomes of CMG Council and CMG Management working sessions. 6. A summary of the accountability measures that are incorporated into the management performance evaluation and resolution approval systems. January 28, 2013 Ci t y o f M i a m i G a r d e n s Bu s i n e s s P l a n n i n g R o a d m a p Re s i d e n t Su r v e y Or g a n i z a t i o n As s e s s m e n t Re p o r t Bu s i n e s s Pl a n n i n g Ro a d m a p Co u n c i l In t e r v i e w s ^S t r e n g t h s & We a k n e s s e s . J H i e r a r c h y o f Se r v i c e s . S P r i o r i t i z e d Ci t y - W i d e Go a l s . ^C i t y - W i d e Im p r o v e m e n t In i t i a t i v e s . ^ ) ~^ \ t A n a l y s i s & W o r k i n g Se s s i o n V J "\l Wo r k i n g S e s s i o n Ro a d m a p . ^ M a y o r ' s Ex p e c t a t i o n s . ^ I n p u t A n a l y s i s Pr e s e n t a t i o n a n d Di s c u s s i o n . •/S t r e n g t h s & We a k n e s s e s . •/ H i e r a r c h y o f S e r v i c e s . ^P r i o r i t i z e d C i t y - W i d e Go a l s . •/ C i t y - W i d e Im p r o v e m e n t I n i t i a t i v e s . SN e x t S t e p s . Ma n a g e m e n t Wo r k i n g S e s s i o n SR e v i e w C o u n c i l Wo r k i n g S e s s i o n Ou t c o m e s . • C i t y - W i d e Im p r o v e m e n t In i t i a t i v e s Im p l e m e n t a t i o n Pl a n n i n g (I n t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l Te a m s ) . -/ W h a t n e e d s t o b e d o n e ? ^W h o n e e d s t o b e in v o l v e d ? SW h a t is t h e p r i o r i t y ? •/ W h a t is t h e t i m e f r a m e ? •/ W h a t a r e th e c o s t s a n d be n e f i t s ? Council Working Session ^Review Management Working Session Outcomes. Ci t y o f M i a m i G a r d e n s Bu s i n e s s P l a n n i n g R o a d m a p Co m m u n i c a t i o n to E m p l o y e e s & Re s i d e n t s Sl n p u t T h e m e s , s P r i o r i t i z e d C i t y - Wi d e G o a l s . v' 'C i t y - W i d e Im p r o v e m e n t In i t i a t i v e s & Ac t i o n P l a n s . De p a r t m e n t B u s i n e s s P l a n De v e l o p m e n t SP r i o r i t i z e d D e p a r t m e n t Go a l s i n S u p p o r t o f C i t y - W i d e Go a l s . ^Im p r o v e m e n t I n i t i a t i v e s t o Ac h i e v e D e p a r t m e n t G o a l s (I n c l u d i n g A c c o u n t a b i l i t i e s a n d Im p l e m e n t a t i o n T i m e f r a m e s ) . S M i n i m u m o f T w o I n n o v a t i o n Pr o j e c t s ( R e f e r e n c i n g N a t i o n a l Be s t P r a c t i c e s ) . v^ P e r f o r m a n c e T r a c k i n g Me a s u r e s . ^Ch a n g e M a n a g e m e n t & Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t i n g S y s t e m . Bu d g e t De v e l o p m e n t Ma n a g e m e n t Pe r f o r m a n c e Ev a l u a t i o n Sy s t e m R e d e s i g n S E f f e c t i v e n e s s o f Ex e c u t i o n o f De p a r t m e n t Bu s i n e s s P l a n s . ^C o n t r i b u t i o n t o Ci t y - W i d e Im p r o v e m e n t In i t i a t i v e s . Re s o l u t i o n Ap p r o v a l C r i t e r i a Re d e s i g n SM e a s u r e s t o Pr e v e n t Au t h o r i z a t i o n o f Fu n d s f o r In i t i a t i v e s O u t s i d e Bu s i n e s s P l a n . ^C o m p l i a n c e Me a s u r e s a n d Tr a c k i n g S y s t e m . Bu s i n e s s Plan & Budget Status Reviews Communication & Events Planning Meeting w/ Doug Williams Group When; Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 1pm Where: 3"* Floor Conference Room Meeting began at 1:10pm. In attendance: Mayor Gilbert and all City Council Members (VM Robinson arrived at 1:21pm); the City Manager, City Attorney, both Assistant City Managers, Petula Burkes, Noelle Barnes and Douglas Williams Group Representative, Libby. No members of the public were in attendance until 2:23pm, Mr. Ulysses Harvard sat in the meeting. Vernita Nelson introduced "Libby", the representative from the Douglas Williams Group. Libby provided us with a copy of her power point presentation and conducted the meeting. - see attached. Meeting ended at 3:20pm. 1/28/2016 THE DOUG WILLIAMS GROUP I I City of Miami Gardens Communication Systems Improvement Project Activities The City of Miami Gardens engaged The Doug Williams Group to assist in improving the systems currently used to communicate, intemaily and externaily.The foliowing activities were conducted as part of this engagement; Activity I: Gathered Input From Members of Management Staff and Council A customiad bueline survey was developed to assess the quality of Communications at the current time. In-person Interviews were conducted (approximately 20 minutes in length over a 3 day timeframe). with the god of identifying communication challenges and perceptions of areas needing improvement Activity 2: Evaluated Survey Responses The Doug\^tliams Group created a summary survey report and analyzed the themes of responses, ratings, and suggested improvements. Activity 3: Reviewed Responses and improvement Recommendations An Improvement plan was drafted artd reviewed to ensure all Improvement recorrartendations were appropriate. Activity 4: Created the Final Plan The firal improvenwnt plan is incorporated into this presentation. www.thadoufwltliam^raup.com 1/28/2016 City of Miami Gardens, Communication Systems Improvement Initiative Survey Report Report Issue Date: October, 2015 Reporting Period: luterviercs on September 8, 9 and 24. 2015 Number of Stibmissions; 29 Number of Possible Submissious: 32 Percent of Participation: 90.6% 1. Thiniang about ttmr part of the ocgangarion, bow would yon rate the quality and timdioess of commuoicatioa intemaOy; within yoiu part of the organizatioa? Number of Responses 20 I 15 ^ 10 0 Good Fair Poor Percentage of Respoii 100 ^73 I 50 25 0r I Good Fair Poor w^ivw.thadouyMlliMTugrcmxow 2. Hiinkii^ abottt rotu part of the organization, what could be done to improve the quality and timeliness of communication internallr; witliiu your part of the organization?; Afiiniiy Map of Impnn'oincm Suggesticna Kocommeati Im^cmentition of p<4kies and piotocok for email usage Proristoa of iofomutioa before meetingt Tonelr communicattoa about new hoes and tctmoatioat Pretence of committees R^ubr meelmgi vitb Coundk Cay Manager and Mayor Impkmeniabon of srorksbopt 000% soe*t leooH ismh joooh ivot MOM MOM MOM www.thadougv'l'lia'nifroup.oom 3. Tlunkiog abont ro«u put of lh« otjauizatioa. how woold vott inte the qitUirr aod tujieluie^s ot cooun'uiKJtiou estrm;^. to and ftom cdiei pam of the CMG oiganizatioa. aud CMG inidnits? Ketpofun acm CMG ScaA' membeis; n Ropooses from CMG Cwmdl membetr m m I S«q>oiu«« from CMG P^e Fotce tnemben: i:II I i 1/28/2016 4. In die are«s dut yon did not rate nt as "Good", xrlut conld be done to impcove ifae qiialitr and timdincsi of coountmication? Afllniiy Map of Improremmi SuggMiona Eiaabhmtatofpotewindpiotodih fotcoauiuacatioa BcttttuMfeofidiRiaDtavrcioobliceO-Jtbokindocheirtiearei NoeonuncMi IiBpterc [earn week lanpRmvcbuK Ptenwn of inmici fot aev hset Inpnrt pKKScc of o(rofficer) Dctfnate a pomt pctton who act) it coordaialoc Repdu vehuhopt'mcetsgi tnh Ceioel, Cr; Miaif et tad Mi-ot ooM ten 130M i»m AT.thodougvxtlllamigroup.com 1/28/2016 Recommendation # 1 Redesign The Website* ► After conducting an In-depth review of the website, it became obvious that the design and content of the website Is inadequate. Understanding that funding resources will need to be identified in order to outsource this project to an external provider, it is recommended that the following items become priority items for the website redesign: Update information so that aJI content is current and accurate. Address incomplete and missing information such as public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.. > Provide clear links to events, agendas, resolutions, and other essential sources of infoimation. » Arrange information in a way that is easy to find, especially for the users who are not technically savvy. *M%bsites to m/iew for best proctices. www hiaieahf} gov wwwjeffpornhnci www.th«do>^valll>fniyot4>,coni Recommendation #2 Utilize Multiple Forms Of Communication For Residents It was Indicated that a significant number of City of Miami Gardens residents are not accustomed to going to the website to obtain information because of their lack of resources. It is essential then that additional avenues be utilized to communicate essential information.The following avenues are recommended: Continuance of regularly held "Town Hall" meetings that provide a more informal method of communicating and engaging residents, and other interested parties. Publish a Community News circular that can be available to residents in numerous locations, strategically placed where they live and conduct their personal business. Recommend revisiting the potential of developing a relationship with the Miami Times. See the following for examples from other regions: www.clintonherald.com www.Crossville-chronicle.com www.marinscppe.CQm/novato advance www. theiioi^wlHiamsgrotip«wn 1/28/2016 Recommendation #3 Create New Structure For Council Administrative Staff While the reporting struaure has recently changed from the administrative staff reporting to the Clerk to reporting to the City Manager, how work is being done and priorities managed needs to be examined in detail.The following aaions are recommended to improve the quality of communications that flow to and from this team: The group of four administrative staff members report to one designated person (team leader) who has high level administrative skills. Conduct a work flow analysis with the team, to establish standards and expectations for the collective work that is handled by the team. wwwxhadou|iMflliwn*p«up«oni Recommendation #4 Develop Standard Operating Procedures A common theme that was evident during the interviews was that there was no standard for how emails are managed; the expectations for communication; and the process for communicating essential information.To that end it is recommended that Policies and procedures are documented and implemented that clearly outline specific guidelines for communicating by email, telephone, and within reguliu'ly scheduled staff meetings.The standard operating procedure templates should follow this structure: EliM.Uia ctat* (nf txphnatory) PoBqr " TTw pirpom of tfw doatwwit a ." PoHcy stBtemwet To prondo tf>t pMe «Wi. ." AppWcartoumdirtiiority ITiBpoOg'teipwrfuwrfortfuaudiBrtyef FoMcy raquirwnants Tho pok)' rcqurox I Mc AccountabWty ThopoKtm tfMtonoceBufttPte/ivtfteimpfefflcnlottan afthutpdditcn...'' Monlcartnf *77m w#l be fwpentiNe |br «rae*i*if tfie eflkt#vw*s of Chi* poky .." Proc«dur«a 'The odmnUratM proceduru for cnmp^eny lofth (be poUcf ore." GuhMlnM "CuMekesfbr odfwvice to (Ms pok)> ore . " Inquiriw 'For quealam pkom contocL . wwwihedeugwillismigreupflom 1/28/2016 Implementation of Recommendations In order to insure that the recommendations are implemented in a timely and effective manner, the following steps are suggested: ► Redesign ofWebsite - Reconvene the Committee to update content on the City's website. Committee members will include representation from IT, City Manager's Office, Public Affairs, and any other determined by the City Manager.The option of engaging an outside vendor will be contemplated by the Committee for the City Manager's consideration. ► Communications for Residents - Public Affairs Department will survey residents to determine best communication outreach strategies. ► New Structure for Council Admin Staff - City Manager has enacted a plan of action for next 10 months. Outcomes will determine the future structure. ► SOP -The City's Organizational Development /Training Specialist will be engaged in this task. Training for front line staff will begin in January 2016. -Do KI cov^ 4'^ ^1m cU/0)'^ 0^ I ^ >Ad(o5~[^Li-' Mxci-ec|_ ^dL U^Mi a r^/jui PielcS oJZm x/nrc! 2: 2. • ^! THE DOUG WILLIAMS GROUP I I City of Miami Gardens Event Planning Process Improvement Project Activities * The City of Miami Gardens engaged The Doug Williams Group to assist in improving the processes for planning and delivering events.The following activities were conducted as part of this engagement; Activity I: Reviewed the Current Process for Event Planning and Delivery A process mapping meeting was conducted with al staff involved with events to understand the resources involved, timing of activities, challenges, and improvement opportunities. Activity 2: Deciphered Process Map information The Doug Williams Group created a process review document encapsubting the information shared during the mapping meeting. Activity 3: Drafted amd Reviewed an Events Process Improvement Plan An improvement pbn was drafted and reviewed to efuure dl improven>ent recommendations were appropnate. Activity 4: Created the Final Plan The final improvement plan is incorporated into this presentation. wwvf.thadougwflllamigrtMpxam 1/28/2016 Primary Challenges of the Current Process Last minute requests. Man/ pieces that have to be pulled from multiple sources. Time wasted over lack of Information and/or duplication of efforts. Stress over lack of time and resources. Overtime costs. Expenses Incurred by having to use rental equipment and external resources. Duplication of events Is taxing on staff - time and resources www.th«jou(wliiam^ro(^xom Suggested Improvements for the Current Process There should be an event "Initiation" document for all events. There should be one process and one "point person" to ensure accountability of event details. Ideally a 12 month plan should be developed that Includes a budget with all expenses Identified. A sponsorship package needs to be developed, encompassing all annual City events. Sponsorships should be appreciated In a variety of ways. All events need to support the City of Miami Gardens brand. Criteria needs to be established to selecting the "cause" to ensure quality. Metrics are needed to determine the return on investment of every event. A minimum of 90 days notice should be required. A standard outlining communication of events needs to be developed. wwwihadoufovfllivntfroupxom 1/28/2016 Recommendation # 1 Establish Event Initiation and Timing Standards In meeting with the key individuals who are part of the event production process, one comment that was repeated several times related to the variety of methods being used to initiate an event. Because of this, the departments involved are challenged with finding sufficient staff to cover the event (sometimes paying overtime); obtaining external resources needed to support the event (equipment etc...);and potentially duplicating efforts due to multiple sources participating in the coordination of the event In addition, last minute event requests place added stress and pressure on already busy departments.Therefore, these action items are recommended: Create and utilize one document that is completed to activate the planning of an event. Designate one "point person" who is accountable for the coordination and details of the event. Institute a minimum 90 day notice policy, so that "pop-up" events will be eliminated. > Create, and follow, a 12 month calendar in which all events are recorded to avoid duplication. ww«wxh<doi^iwWi»myoup<om Recommendation #2 Measure Event Outcomes and Expenditures ► While It is assumed that all events are designed to support a worthy cause, it is recognized that the efforts invested in the production of an event do not always yield a sufficient outcome to justify the expense.Therefore, these action items are recommended: Criteria be created that must be met in order for an event to be considered. Metrics are developed to assess the return on investment for each event. A detailed budget be created that includes a payroll and external resource expenditure breakdown. www.th«doi^wllliimtgroup.com 1/28/2016 Recommendation #3 Streamline Event Communications ► The City Is working towards enhancing their brand Image, and supporting that brand through consistent mechanisms Including communications. In addition, feedback has been given Indicating that events are not communicated effectively and email blasts are over-utillzed.Therefore, these action Items are recommended: Cross promote events in order to reduce number of events being announced via email. All event flyers should created internally, so that the City logo is used properly and the presentation of theinformation is of the highest quality. A standard be created so that communication of the event utilizes numerous sources. wwwjhado<jg^lliaiTiigruup.oom Recommendation #4 Support Event Sponsorship ► Businesses are asked to donate and contribute to numerous events, and they are willing to do that In order to retain those relationships, sponsors should feel that their Investment Is valued and recognized.Therefore, these aalon Items are recommended: Sponsorship packages be developed so that each sponsor can select the avenue of support that works best for them. Sponsors are given ttie appreciation they enjoy and deserve. www.thadoufwilliamigroi^.OD'Ti 1/28/2016 Implementation of Recommendations In order to insure that the recommendations are Implemented In a timely and effective manner, the following steps are suggested: ► Establish Event Timeline andTimIn; Standards -An event timeline and event planning process Is being developed by Public Affairs. The process will address timing standards, among other critical details need to execute a stellar event. ► Measure Events Outcomes and Expenditures - Accounting of expenditures for each event has been enacted for fiscal year 2016.Thls year Public Affairs has begun to record the number of staff needed to execute each event as well as number of attendees. ► Streamline Event Communications - Weekly, combined email blasts announcing all city news and events Is recommended. Public Affairs will adhere to professional standards and best practices to ensure adequate and equal coverage. ► Support Event Sponsorship - Public Affairs will lead the effort to develop a comprehensive sponsorship package to secure long-term funding for the City's annual events. To ensure to the success of this sponsorship program tfiere will be a need to combine dupllcatlve events. w ihedot^HiliieiTiigroi* co#ti I4 V