HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.09.2011 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9, 2011 (A) CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The City Council for the City of Miami Gardens, Florida, met in regular session, Wednesday, March 9, 2011, beginning at 7:07 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 1515 NW 167th Street, Building 5, Suite 200, Miami Gardens, Florida. The following members of the City Council were present: Mayor Shirley Gibson, Vice Mayor Aaron Campbell Jr., and Council members Lisa C. Davis, Felicia Robinson and Oliver G. Gilbert III. Councilman Andre Williams arrived at 7:10 p.m. (B) INVOCATION Invocation delivered by Dr. Brown (C) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge of Allegiance recited in unison. (D) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular City Council Minutes—February 23, 2011 -- Motion offered by Councilman Gilbert, seconded by Councilwoman Davis to approve the minutes,with necessary corrections, if any. This motion passed and carried by a 5-0 voice vote. (E) ORDER OF BUSINESS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda at this time) Item H-1 was pulled from the Agenda by the City Manager Mayor Gibson moved item L-1 forward on the Agenda to be heard after presentations. Motion offered by Councilman Gilbert, seconded by Councilwoman Robinson to approve the official agenda, with the necessary changes passed and carried by a 5-0 voice vote. (F) SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (5 minutes each) F-1) Annual Audit Patricia Varney, Finance Director for the City of Miami Gardens, appeared before the City Council to present the Annual Audit for FY 2009/2010. She stated the City's total net assets is $296,389,925, which is broken down as follows: $293,962,028 (99.2%) capital assets net of debt; $2,428,897 (0.8%) unrestricted net assets. Financial Highlights/Government Activities: Changes of the net assets (decrease of$8.4M is partly due to: 2.1 Million increase in compensated absences; $949,825: GASB 45 implementation (account for health insurance benefits for retirees); $3 Million: depreciation and deletion of capital assets; $520,000 reduction in the Transportation Fund fund balance; $439,740 reduction in the General Fund fund balance due to contractual obligation to refund Calder permit fees; $1.56 million reduction in General Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 Fun fund balance (however, $210,000) was replenished in November 2010 when the City Hall bond was issued. Financial Highlights/General Fund: Total Revenue $60,245,171; Debt issuance: $1,333,332; Total Expenditures: ($56,266,010); Transfers in/Out: ($7,349,222). Revenue variance when compared to FY09: -6% ($1.3 M) in ad valorem taxes; -77% ($264K) in interest earnings; -1%(73K) in intergovernmental revenue; +9%(S128KO in license and permits; +56% ($1.5 M) in charges for services; +76% ($1.4M) in fines & forfeitures; +155% ($1.3M) in Grants. Expenditures variance when compared to FY 09: -30% ($5.7M) in General Government: purchase of Warren Henry to foster economic development; +8% ($2.6M) in Public Safety: overtime from Byrne Grant for special operations, and Cops Hiring Grant. Net decrease in fund balance: $2,036,738. Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance: $6,477,650. However, this amount is increased in FY2011 by $722,749 to $7,200,399 for the following: $210,000 City Hall Bond; $512,749 Prepaid Expenses; Reserved Fund Balance: $1,074,216. Financial Highlights Other Government Funds: Fund balance for the followings: S.H.I.P: $144,711; CDBG: $479,291; Development Services Fund: $3,555; Impact Fees: $1,257,289; Law Enforcement Trust Fund: $144,959; Transportation Fund: $2,625; Capital Projects Fund: $2,181,453. Financial Highlights Business-Type Activities (Stormwater Fund) Unrestricted Assets: $1,375,440. Financial Highlights Capital Assets: Fixed Assets: such as equipment, vehicles, machinery etc. Over $5,000 and over 1 year of life; Infrastructure: such as parks, streets, sidewalks, and storm drains; land. Financial Highlights Capital Assets: Governmental Activities: Land- $38.1M; Buildings - $26.OM; Equipment p $10.6M; Infrastructure - $262.4M. Construction in Progress - $3.1 M. Total $340.2M (net of depreciation). Financial Highlights Capital Assets: Business-Type activities (stormwater fund) Infrastructure - $15.3 M; Equipment - $514K; Construction in Progress - $40K. Total $15.8M (net of depreciation). Long Term Debt Governmental Fund: Bonds, G.O. Bonds, Notes and Capital Leases: $54.OM; Amount Due within one year: $5.02 M; Compensated Absences: $8.7M. Total Long Term Liabilities $62.7 M. Long Term Debt: Business Type — Stormwater Fund: Notes & Bonds - $8.19M; Compensated Absences - $76K. Total Long-Term Liabilities - $8.26M. Financial Condition Assessment: Implemented by the Auditor General Office; Indicators have two measurements: 5 year trend of the City—Benchmark; Compare to Benchmark of cities with Population: 50,000 — 149,999; Taxable Value - $4,000,000,000 — 7,499,999,999; There are 16 cities in the benchmark; Miami Gardens is the 2"d highest in population and the 41' lowest in taxable value. Financial Condition Assessment: There are 19 indicators and the rating of the indicators can be: Favorable, Inconclusive or Unfavorable; Auditor is required to notify the local governmental entities of deteriorating financial conditions that may cause a financial emergency. City of Miami Gardens receives no such notification for fiscal year ended September 30, 2010. Financial Condition Assessment: 19 financial indicators — 5 favorable; 7 inconclusive; 7 unfavorable; "Favorable" rating indicators include: Unrestricted net assets/total operating revenue; current liability/total operating revenue. "Inconclusive" rating indicators include: measurement of fund balance over net assets, expenditures, etc. — The City is newly established and is unable to generate the fund balance as benchmark cities. The indicators actually shows "favorable" on the City's measurement, however, on the benchmark, it reflects "unfavorable", resulting in "inconclusive" as a whole. "Unfavorable" rating indicators include: (a) measurements with cash availability — this is mainly attributed to grant reimbursement. As the end of the fiscal year, the City has over $8.7M receivable due from other governments. (b) debt measurement—partly due to the City being newly established for purchase of equipment and the Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 purchase of the Cornerstone and Warren Henry properties. Ron Harvey, the City's auditor appeared before the City Council to go over the findings and management's comments as follows: Schedule of Findings and Management Comments: 1) Grant reimbursement requests includes hiring bonus and special detail payment which are not eligible under grant. Staff caught these errors and were corrected in the subsequent reimbursement request. 2) Finance staff has access to vendor and personnel file in Eden, which allows Finance staff to make changes or add additional records. Finance should only have read only access. Management Comments: 3) Merit increase cap with bonus payment. Calculations should be confirmed by Finance to avoid any miscalculation; and 4)Payment increase documentation missing in some personnel files. HR will set up procedures to ensure such document is in place prior to entering any pay increase in the Eden System. Ms. Varney reappeared before the City Council to report on the GASB Statement No. 54, as follows: FY 2011 New GASB Implementation: GASB Statement No. 54: "Fund Balance Reporting & Governmental Fund Type Definitions": Nonspendable: e.g. inventory; restricted: for specific purpose, e.g. grant, 3 cents gas tax; committed: for specific purpose determined by Council; Assigned: intended to be used expressed by Council or Council designated authority; Unassigned: use for any propose. Councilman Williams mentioned the parks projects and stated the Bunche Park renovations were not mentioned in this report. Manager Crew said there is no funding for Bunche Park renovations. He said all of the projects mentioned were funded by grants. He said no local money has been committed to the parks. Councilman Williams asked for clarification about the 2.1M in compensated absences. Manager Crew explained every employee gets a certain amount of personnel leave every year, and if they do not take it, it stays on the books. Eventually, the City will have to pay this money out when the employee leaves. The maximum has now been revised to six (6) months for existing employees. Councilman Williams asked for clarification about the insurance benefits for retirees. Manager Crew said this is a provision that provides for municipalities to set aside funds in anticipation for the retirement of older employees. Even though the City's employees are in the State of Florida Retirement System, funds have to be set aside because technically they can remain in the City's system until they are eligible for Medicare. He said the insurance rate is budgeted every year. Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 Councilman Williams referenced the impact of the City's debt ratio because of the purchase of the Cornerstone and Warren Henry properties. He asked if the City sells the properties how would that impact the City's debt ratio. Manager Crew in response to Councilman Williams' inquiry said staff feels it can make a profit off the properties if they are sold at the same price they were purchased for. He shared that the City has received some serious inquiries with regard to the Warren Henry property. Councilman Gilbert asked the auditor to expound on the City's debt, and whether the City is healthy at this point. Dwayne Mathis, the City's auditor appeared before the City Council to expound on Councilman Gilbert's inquiry. He explained as of September 30, 2011, the overall debt is approximately $70M. He said right now the City is in a good position. However, one of the things the City should look at its position going forward in relations to property values going down; therefore revenues are going to be decreasing. The City needs to make sure it is in a position where it can pay off its debt. He further emphasized the importance of capping compensated hours, which was addressed during this reporting period. Manager Crew said the reduction to six (6) months for compensated hours is for existing employees. As of February 1St, all new employees are capped at three (3) months. This should help quite a bit in the long run. Councilman Williams referenced a financial emergency, which was mentioned in the report. He asked how is this defined and who is notified of this situation. Mr. Harvey appeared before the City Council in response to Councilman Williams' inquiry and shared that a State of Emergency is defined in the Florida State Statutes. The statute provides five (2) categories, which would trigger a State of Emergency. Some of those triggers are immediate, for instance, if you do not make payroll. The auditor would make this known to the City Council, if such a situation was to occur. The auditor would report this situation annually. Mr. Mathis added the auditors are only here once a year, which means they come in at the tail end. The City should be aware of this situation the instant it happens. Mayor Gibson shared it is the responsibility of the City Manager and Finance Director to make sure this Council is aware of the financial condition of this City. The Council can also ask for a financial status anytime it elects. F-2) Dr. Danny O. Crew,City Manager Employee of the Month Presentation City Manager presented Lakisha Westberry with the distinguished recognition as Employee of the Month for the month of February 2011. Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 F-3) Councilman Andre Williams—Job Creation Status Update Vernita Nelson, Assistant City Manager appeared before the City Council to provide an update. She staff has decided to provide this information during its bi-annual MVE, which will be produced by the Procurement Division. The first report will be given June 2011, which the subsequent report being given December 2011. Councilman Williams asked if the report could also provide a general description of the construction project. RESOLUTION NO. 2011-39-1432 L-1) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE MAYOR'S NOMINATION OF DAVID WILLIAMS JR..TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF COUNCILWOMAN SHARON PRITCHETT UNTIL THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MIAMI-DADE COUNTY-WIDE ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY MAYOR SHIRLEY GIBSON) Mayor Gibson passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Campbell before explaining her responsibility as per the Charter for nominating someone to fill the unexpired term of Councilwoman Pritchett who resigned her seat effective March 1, 2011. She shared this position was advertised both in the Miami Herald and the Miami Times. Nine individuals responded to that advertisement. All nine (9) individuals were interviewed by her. The individual appointed to this seat will serve until the next Miami-Dade County-wide regularly scheduled Election, scheduled for January 31, 2012 (Presidential Primary). Mayor Gibson announced she was nominating David Williams Jr.,to serve in this capacity. Motion offered by Mayor Gibson, seconded by Councilman Gilbert to amend the resolution by inserting the name of David Williams Jr. There being no discussion, the motion to appoint David Williams Jr., to serve in this capacity until January 31,2012,passed and carried by a 6-0 voice vote. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. David Williams Jr. After this was done,Councilman David Williams Jr.,was invited to sit on the dais. (G) PUBLIC COMMENTS Sharon Frazier-Stephens, 145 NE 193`d Street, Miami, Florida, appeared before the City Council to congratulate Councilman David Williams Jr., on his appointment to the City Council. She further provided a report on the Miami Norland, Miami Carol City and Miami Central PTSAS' efforts to get transportation for students to attend the rally in Tallahassee. Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 12011 Patricia Lightfoot, 2750 NW 172"d Terrace, Miami Gardens, Florida, appeared before the City Council to comment on the audit report as it related to the retirees and health insurance. She asked whether the City pays for an retiree's insurance. Manager Crew in response to Ms. Lightfoot's inquiry said the City did not pay for a retiree's insurance coverage. COBRA is offered. He said what is misleading about this requirement is that it is an implied deficit, not an actual deficit. Harold Lawton, 1860 NW 170th Street, appeared before the City Council to comment on the City's automatic telephone system. He further referenced Bunche Park Pool and the fact there is no money to fix it. He said he would like to see a member of the Council take the challenge to find funds to repair this facility,which has been idle for many years. Dr. Lester Brown, 18801 NW 29th Court, Miami Gardens, Florida, appeared before the City Council to share with the Council the advice he has given to young people on how to conduct themselves, if stopped by the police. He said he advises these young people to do what the police officer tells them to do, and to not be discourteous. If the officer is discourteous memorize their name and badge number and file a complaint with the Chief or Deputy Chief of Police. (I) ORDINANCE(S) FOR FIRST READING: 141) AN ORDINANCE OF T14E CITY COUNCIL OF T14E C-IT-V OF GARDENS, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECT-WN 18 297 OFTHE CODE OF ORDINANCES REGARDING BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS; PRO1,14DING FOR THEADOPT40N OF REPRESENTATIONS; REPEALING ALLORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR !NCLUSION 1N CODE; PROWDING MN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY T14E CITY H-2) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CREATE ARTICLE X RELATING TO ALCOHOL SALE AND CONSUMPTION; REGULATING HOURS AND DAYS OF SALE AND CONSUMPTION; PROVIDING FOR VIOLATIONS AND COMPLIANCE; AMENDING SECTION 34-146 OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY THE CITY Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 MANAGER) Renee Crichton, Deputy City Manager appeared before the City Council to expound on this item. Staff has tried to make the different uses more consistent. Some of the times for the package stores have been expanded. Motion offered by Councilman Gilbert, seconded by Councilman Williams to adopt this item on first reading. Councilwoman Davis asked whether staff surveyed the hours banquet halls were permitted to serve alcohol. Deputy City Manager Crichton in response to Councilwoman Davis' inquiry shared staff did not contact other banquet halls but rather looked at what other cities were doing. This ordinance provides that banquet halls could apply to the City for extended hours. Attorney Dickens clarified the provision Deputy City Manager Crichton was referring to related to the sale of alcohol beverages, not serving. She said a motion could be entertained by the Council to amend the ordinance to allow banquet halls to also apply for that extension. Councilwoman Davis provided each Council member with information as it related to Banquet Halls and the fact that there was no shutting down time limit in serving alcohol requirement. She opined that 1:00 a.m. is too early to stop serving alcohol, if a function is being held. Councilman Williams offered a motion to amend the ordinance to include banquet halls in the extension process. Councilwoman Davis asked what would be the process for applying for this extension. Manager Crew in response to Councilwoman Davis' question said the applicant would file a letter with the Planning Department. Councilwoman Robinson asked about the process for granting the extension. Attorney Dickens said staff would look at the history of the business to determine if there have been police calls to this establishment. She further shared there is also an appeal process, which provides that the applicant can come before the Council, if the extension is not approved by the City Manager. Councilman Gilbert conveyed understanding of Councilwoman Davis' concern with the hour, and the City Manager's concern about banquet halls becoming night clubs. He asked how do we draw a distinction in the City's code between a banquet hall and a night club. Deputy City Manager Crichton shared several years ago there were some problems with Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 criminal activities at the banquet halls. What staff found was that people were operating until 6:00-7: 00 a.m. If the license does not support that use, the City will revoke the license. Councilman Gilbert for clarification purposes stated as it relates to banquet halls, we are not addressing the sale of alcohol, only the serving of alcohol. Deputy City Manager Crichton in response to Councilman Gilbert's comment replied, yes. She said alcohol can be served at banquet halls. Banquet halls cannot sell alcohol if they do not have the proper licenses. Councilwoman Davis clarified she was talking about legitimate banquet halls where weddings and other nice affairs were held. Deputy City Manager Crichton said the distinction with respect to the banquet hall isn't really made. Councilwoman Robinson suggested amending the ordinance to provide for an administrative variance granting extension of hours for banquet halls. Attorney Dickens recommended amending Section 6-349(b) of the ordinance to include the extension of hours for banquet halls, as part of that administrative variance. Motion offered by Councilwoman Robinson, seconded by Councilman Gilbert to amend Section 6-349(b)of the ordinance to include the extension of hours for banquet halls. Mayor Gibson said she was concerned with the administrative variance because if we have had a problem with a particular location the City Manager is going to make a decision based on the history of that local. She opined a potential proprietor can make a case to get a variance because they were not a part of the history of the local. She shared that she can see that as not being fair because it can be based on an individual leasing the property. She opined the City Manager's decision to grant or deny the variance cannot be based on the lessee, it has to be based on something else. She said she would rather have set hours that banquet halls can serve alcohol, and take the City Manager out of it. After the discussion on this amendment, the motion to amend the ordinance passed and carried by a 5-2 voice vote. Councilwoman Lisa Davis: Yes Councilman Oliver Gilbert III: Yes Councilwoman Felicia Robinson: Yes Councilman Andre Williams: Yes Councilman David Williams Jr. Yes Vice Mayor Aaron Campbell Jr. No Mayor Shirley Gibson: No Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 There being no further discussion on the ordinance as a whole,the motion to adopt on first reading passed and carried by a 5-2 vote. Councilwoman Lisa Davis: Yes Councilman Oliver Gilbert III: Yes Councilwoman Felicia Robinson: Yes Councilman Andrd Williams: Yes Councilman David Williams Jr. Yes Vice Mayor Aaron Campbell Jr. No Mayor Shirley Gibson: No H-3) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE IX, DIVISION 3, SECTION 2-752(2) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO REDUCE THE PERFORMANCE BOND REQUIREMENT FOR CONTRACTS VALUED AT LESS THAN $150,000.00, FROM TEN PERCENT TO FIVE PERCENT IN INSTANCES WHERE THE CITY MANAGER DEEMS A BOND TO BE APPROPRIATE; AMENDING SECTION 2-753 TO ADD SUBSECTION 4 TO PROVIDE A PROCESS FOR THE WAIVER OF BID BONDS FOR CONTRACTS VALUED BETWEEN $10,001.00 AND $50,000.00, FOR BIDDERS WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THREE (3) OR MORE BIDS WITH THE CITY WITHOUT MAJOR COMPLAINTS OR DEFICIENCIES, AND AMENDING SECTION 2-753 TO ADD SUBSECTION 5 TO PROVIDE THAT PROOF OF INSURANCE SHALL ONLY BE REQUIRED AFTER RANKING OF THE BIDDERS BY THE CITY, OR PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY COUNCILMAN OLIVER G. GILBERT III) Councilman Gilbert explained his rational for sponsoring this item, and shared this would allow those contract less than $150,000 to provide a five percent performance bond rather than a ten percent performance bond, which is the current requirement. He said this is one of the ways the City can open up the process to smaller businesses. It also provides that proof of insurance be required after ranking of bidders by the City or prior to the execution of a contract. This ordinance further provides for the waiver of bid bonds for contracts between $10,000 and $50,000 for bidders with a track record of doing business with the City without major complaints or deficiencies. Motion offered by Councilman Gilbert, seconded by Vice Mayor Campbell to adopt this Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 item on first reading. At the conclusion of this discussion the motion to adopt passed and carried by a 7-0 vote. Councilman Oliver Gilbert III: Yes Councilwoman Felicia Robinson: Yes Councilman Andrd Williams: Yes Councilman David Williams Jr. Yes Vice Mayor Aaron Campbell Jr. Yes Councilwoman Lisa Davis: Yes Mayor Shirley Gibson: Yes (I) ORDINANCE(S) FOR SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARING(S) None (.I) RESOLUTION(S)/PUBLIC HEARING(S) None (I) CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTION NO. 2011-40-1433 K-1) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST RESPECTIVELY, AN ADDENDUM TO THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT WITH HARVEY, COVINGTON & THOMAS, L.L.C., TO PROVIDE FISCAL YEAR 2011 & 2012 ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDITING SERVICES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($61,500.00), AND A GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND AUDIT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,500.00); PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY THE CITY MANAGER) RESOLUTION NO.2011-41-1434 K-2) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009/2010 ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT PREPARED BY THE CITY'S AUDITORS, HARVEY, COVINGTON AND THOMAS LLC; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY THE CITY MANAGER) RESOLUTION NO. 201142-1435 K-3) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE 2011 STATE LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY THE CITY MANAGER) RESOLUTION NO. 2011-43-1436 K-4) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE 2011 FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SPONSORED BY THE CITY MANAGER) Motion offered by Councilman Gilbert, seconded by Councilwoman Robinson to adopt the Consent Agenda. This motion passed and carried by a 7-0 voice vote. (L) RESOLUTION(S) None Councilman Gilbert stated there are several Bills under consideration in Tallahassee that, if approved, would be detrimental to city government. He emphasized the importance of alerting and informing the City's Tallahassee Lobbyist of the City's position. Mayor Gibson advised the residents that it is important that they contact their state Senator and state Legislator to make them aware of their concerns about these particular Bills. (M) REPORTS OF CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK City Clerk Taylor announced that the Office of the City Clerk will be hosting a workshop on how to become a United States citizen. This workshop will be conducted by the United States Department of Citizenship and Naturalization. (1) REPORTS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilman Gilbert invited everyone out to the Bid Whisk Tournament, scheduled for Thursday, March 17'`, at the Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex. Individuals can register for this tournament through the City's Parks and Recreation Department. There is no charge for this registration. Councilwoman Robinson shared that the first Neighborhood Watch training session took place on Saturday, March 5h. There were approximately 12 representatives from the various Neighborhood Watch Programs present for this training. She encouraged those residents interested in having a Neighborhood Watch in their area to contact either Chief Boyd or Deputy Chief Miller. Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 9, 2011 Councilman David Williams Jr., thanked Mayor Gibson and the members of the City Council for giving him the opportunity to continue to serve the citizens of Miami Gardens. Councilman Andre Williams welcomed Councilman David Williams Jr, to the Council and stated that he is looking forward to working with him. He further thanked everyone who attended the Town Hall meeting held on last evening. There was a great response, and a lot of information was shared about the revitalization of Bunche Park and Rainbow Park through the Opa-locka CDC. Councilwoman Davis announced in recognition of Mother's Day, she is hosting a contest where individuals can participate by writing a short 300 word essay explaining why their nominee should be considered the best mother of the year. She encouraged residents to participate. Councilman Gilbert further shared that he is hosting a Mother's Day Luncheon, the Tuesday before Mother's Day at the Betty T. Ferguson Recreation Complex. Information will be forthcoming. Mayor Gibson announced that Jazz in the Gardens tickets were still on sale for those who have not already purchased. She further shared that a Women's Impact Luncheon would also take place, Friday, March 18'h at the Westin Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. (0) WRITTEN REQUESTS, PETITIONS & OTHER WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None (P) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Body, and upon a motion being duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Attest: Sh' e i on, Mayor Ronetta Taylor, M , City Clerk Regular City Council Minutes March 9, 2011 Page 12